My latest achievements

As of 2016, my expertise in e-commerce engineering was officially recognized by the International Trade Center, an agency promoting international trade under the United Nations and the WTO. Since then, several missions have been assigned to me in some African countries for the duplication of the Made in Morocco platform while taking into account the specificities of each country. I was also asked to carry out a feasibility study for the implementation of an e-commerce platform on behalf of more than 20 entrepreneurs and 17,000 young people and women from the ECOWAS region and to develop a strategic plan of about 100 pages as part of the VMP (Internal, External Diagnostic, Analysis, Recommendations) and E-commerce Engineering program for the product catalogue of 50 Moroccan companies in the crafts, local products and IT sectors.

Main achievements

Agence ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Training of trainers in product digitalization, order preparation, product packaging and e-commerce engineering on behalf of Trade Point Senegal teams and some 20 exporting companies.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Technical assistant for the registration of the trademark Made in Senegal in order to obtain a title of protection in 16 countries on behalf of the public agency ASEPEX Senegal.
CTA (Agence de l’Union Européenne) :
Feasibility study for the establishment of an e-commerce platform on behalf of more than 20 entrepreneurs and 17,000 young people and women in the ECOWAS region.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Elaboration of a study of about 100 pages within the framework of the VMP program (Internal, external, macro and micro-economic analysis, recommendations) and e-commerce engineering for the product catalogue of 50 Moroccan companies in the crafts, local products and IT sectors.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Development of training materials for export advisors as part of the VMP program on the following modules: EAN (Barcode), HS Code, e-commerce engineering in B2C and B2B with two options storage in Morocco and in the target market.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Preparation of a study on the obstacles to the development of online exports for more than 1150 exporting companies in the crafts, local products and IT sectors.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Study, design, implementation and deployment of a national e-commerce platform for the Republic of Senegal.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Study, design, implementation and deployment of a national e-commerce platform of the Mongolian People’s Republic for the marketing of textile products.
ITC (Agence de l’ONU et de l’OMC) :
Study, design, implementation and deployment of a national e-commerce platform for the Republic of Rwanda.
Coopérative Made in Morocco :
Studies, consultations and co-development of more than 92 international development plans on behalf of the Made in Morocco International Cooperative.
Representation of the National Federation of the Moroccan Digital Economy (FNEM) to more than 428 institutions, professional associations, chambers of commerce, ministries, public agencies, marketplaces and GAFAs in more than 132 countries.
Embassy of Morocco in the Republic of Korea :
Study, design, production and deployment of the web portal in four languages composed of several spaces and extranets on behalf of the Embassy of Morocco in South Korea.